Solving Rodent Issues in Edinburg: Effective, Safe Methods

June 07, 2024

Solving Rodent Issues in Edinburg: Effective, Safe Methods

If you hear that dreaded squeaking and scratching in your walls or catch a rodent making off with food from your pantry, you are not alone. In 2019, 14.8 million households reported seeing mice or rats. Just because they are common, however, does not mean you have to put up with them. Left alone, they can create an unsanitary and uncomfortable environment. Solve your rodent issues in Edinburg with proactive steps and the expertise of a trusted pest control company.

Types of Rodents In Edinburg, TX

There are dozens of types of rodents in Texas (71 to be exact), but the ones most likely to appear in your Edinburg home are the following:

House Mouse: These small, agile rodents can climb into your home through even tiny spaces, and they tend to breed very rapidly. As a result, they can be difficult to remove simply through trapping.

Norway Rats: These large rodents can grow up to 17 inches long, giving you quite a start if you run across them in your attic. They are good climbers and are also very prolific breeders.

Roof Rats: While less aggressive and less fast at breeding, these rats are excellent climbers and are likely to be found in your attic and rafters. They can grow up to 14 inches long.

Prevention: The First Line Of Defense

Woman cleaning and polishing the kitchen worktop with a spray detergent, housekeeping and hygiene concept

If you want to solve rodent issues in your Edinburg home, the first place to start is by keeping the rodents from entering your home. This can be difficult to accomplish, considering the fact that some mice are so small that they can fit through almost any crack or small opening – Even ones you don’t even see. However, here are some preventative steps you can take to keep mice and rats out of your Edinburg home.

When prevention isn’t enough, additional control methods may be necessary. Here are some safe and effective strategies:

Seal Entry Points

As mentioned earlier, small rodents like mice can sneak into your home using very small openings. Closing off these openings can make it harder for mice and rats to find their way into your space.

Inspect and Repair Openings

A little bit of attention to your environment can help you identify and address any potential rodent entry points. Look for the following, and seal them:

  • Cracks in the wall
  • Holes in the wall
  • Openings around utility pipes

You should use sturdy materials when sealing entry points. Try steel wool, caulk, or metal sheeting to keep the rodents from chewing their way into your home.

Install Door Sweeps

Door sweeps create a seal between the door and the floor. As a result, they are an effective way to eliminate gaps that could invite rodents in.

Screen Vents

Vents that allow air out of your home can also serve as inviting open doors to rodents. Use screens to close off vents and chimneys without blocking the flow of air.

Get Rid Of Food Sources

close-up of a wild black rat (Rattus rattus) outdoors on a wooden deck, in the snow

Rodents often enter your home to help themselves to your food. Removing this temptation can make your home less welcoming to mice and rats of all kinds. Here are some steps to take to eliminate sources of food in your home:

Proper Storage

Rodents are happy to chew through bags and boxes to get to your food. Use airtight containers and keep them sealed to keep them out of the rodents’ reach.


Keep your kitchen, dining areas, and surfaces clean of crumbs and other food residue. You should also clean under appliances and furniture in order to catch any crumbs or food that could attract pests.

Secured Garbage

Make sure your trash cans seal with a tight-fitting top, and prevent the accumulation of garbage by taking it out regularly.

Remove Shelter

Rodents will also take up residence in spaces that offer areas where they can hide and build nests. Remove any areas they could consider an inviting home, including these areas:

  • Stacks of wood
  • Piles of leaves
  • Unused items
  • Indoor clutter

In addition, keep your vegetation and gardens in good condition. Trim back trees and shrubs near your home that could give rodents a way onto your roof and into your space.

Effective Rodent Control Methods

Rat in a spring-trap.

If you do have rodents get into your home, do not lose hope. There are practical and effective steps you can take to evict these creatures from your home.


The most common way of dealing with a rodent infestation is to lay traps. Here are two types of traps to consider:

Snap Traps

Snap traps are what you probably think about when you think about capturing rodents. Designed to slap down on the rodent, often killing them, these traps are very effective for both rats and mice. Place them wherever rodent activity is likely to be high, such as along walls and in attics and dark corners.

Live Traps

If you want to capture, but not kill, any rodents around your home, you can use live traps. These allow you to take the creatures away from your space and release them. Just make sure you follow any applicable local regulations when releasing them.

Baits and Poison

Baits and poison can effectively eradicate rodents from your home. However, before delving into this approach to rodent control, here are a few tips to ensure the safety of your children and pets, for whom the baits and poison will also be dangerous.

Use with caution

Baits and poison should be a last resort, especially if you have children or pets in your home. Make sure that, when using the, you follow all instructions very carefully. Professional assistance is often the best approach. Pest control companies, such as Esparza Pest Control, can implement treatments that are safe, effective, and properly applied so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your family while evicting mice and rats from the premises.

Use tamper-resistant bait stations

Bait stations can attract small children and pets as well as rodents. Keep them out by using tamper-resistant bait stations that minimize the chances of anyone in your family accidentally accessing the poison.

Natural Predators

You could get nature to do some of the rodent elimination work for you by attracting natural rodent predators. For example, install owl boxes to encourage owls to take up residence in your yard. Some pets, such as cats, and some dogs, can also pose a threat to rodents and make your yard and home less appealing.

If you are ready to say goodbye to mice and rats and hello to a peaceful, pest-free home, contact Esparza Pest Control. Our family-owned business has been eliminating mice, rats, and pests of all kinds since 1960. Our second- and third-generation pest control specialists craft tailored solutions for any residential or commercial need. Plus, our 60-day warranty guarantees that we will get rid of pests the first time – And keep them away.

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Welcome to quick and efficient pest control! In operation since 1960, our services are backed by decades of experience that equip us to turn your space into a pest-free place. Welcome to quick and efficient pest control! In operation since 1960, our services are backed by decades of experience that equip us to turn your space into a pest-free place.

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